Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents and Students:
    1. Good news! Finally, 3rd grading period grades can now be easily found in the Carmody Parent Portal under the Term Final section. Please be aware:

      • If the composite semester grade is lower than the first and second grading period averages, chances are your child has some incomplete grades for the 3rd grading period bringing the composite semester grade down and warrants a more detailed investigation with the third grading period to better understand why.
      • If your child's composite semester grade is about the same as the average for first and second grading periods, third grading period grades are probably about the same average.
      • 3rd grading period grades should be up-to-date since I'm now using the *M symbol to post the third grading period grades nightly now for parent viewing and up-to-date computations of student grading averages. Hopefully, this should provide instant nightly dinner-time feedback.  If the third grading period grades are not available on your parent portal, please let me know and the school officials will continue to trouble shot this matter to find out why they aren't.
      • Any assignment/test with a *M grade means that the assignment has not be submitted to me for grading. Note: 3rd grading period begins with grades from October 27th.  Good luck in viewing the daily assignments nightly and hopefully, you should be able to see in the parent portal on whether a daily assignment/test was graded or not that same day and/or made up/resubmitted in subsequent days following the original due date. Whenever assignments have editorial comments, the assignment was probably not completed as instructed (such as the formulas not being displayed).
    2. Any assignments/tests in the Carmody Parent Portal with a *M means one of four things.

      Solution for missing assignments? Since the Carmody Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) does not have an instant undo feature, it is possible that grades can get lost in their actual entry into the grade book. Two essentials things can help in immediately restoring any missing grades as identified below:

    3. Students are getting into spreadsheets as the concepts of formulas are being understood more. We will be dealing with adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, averaging and some square roots as well. Perhaps, you can print out the daily assignments at home and assist your child in completing them in whatever spreadsheet application you might have at home such as. Clarisworks, Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus 123, etc. When the daily assignment has been completed at home, please print out the worksheet with the formulas being displayed as that is the only way assignments can be accepted and graded and then sign and date the assignment along with your child's name when your child submits it to me for grading. All daily assignments and their links for printing them out can be found at: Note: there is also a companion clue sheet for every assignment providing insight where formulas need to be used and what kind of formula is required. Both the daily assignment and its companion clue sheet with formulas can be printed out at the above URL.

    4. The final spreadsheet assignments will be done on this coming Wednesday and Thursday, November 30th and December 1st. Here is the schedule of assignments that will be due next week including more detailed information about the final spreadsheet assignment which will be worth between 200 and 300 points.

    5. If we should have parent who is knowledgeable with spreadsheets and would enjoy team teaching with me anytime next week, you are most welcomed to participate and in appreciation, I will give your child a floating "A" per period teaching with me! Now that's a deal!!!!!! Note: parents can also opt to assist Dr. Data in any of the following units of instruction: Internet search engines, PowerPoint slide shows which be forthcoming during the first two weeks of December, beginning Monday, December 5th.. More information to follow in subsequent newsletters about being parent-assistants.

    6. If you need to e-mail Dr. Data, please e-mail him at: Note: spam-like e-mail addresses could be blocked by a spam blocker.

    7. Looking forward to teaching the upcoming Internet search engine, PowerPoint, newsletter, web pages, painting & drawing, computer music and computer game construction units for the last five weeks of the semester. For more information, peruse any of the following links belows.

    Hope this information is helpful. Have a Happy Thanksgiving weekend.

    Thank you.

    Till next time,

    Dr. Data