Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Parents and Students:

Mid-term grades will be printed out by Dr. Data on Tuesday and given out to all students. And those progress reports returned to Dr. Data by Friday, 9, 2005 will earn 100 points with a parent's signature and zero points if no signature .

  1. Notice the following details about the mid-term grades:

  2. We have just completed the two most difficult units of the semester with database and spreadsheets. Now for Internet Search engine this week and PowerPoint next week. So grades should be going up considerably from now on. They can also be done at home or any place outside of class. Here's the URL for the weekly assignments at:

  3. Final Internet Project: Assignment #5: Multimedia Internet Research Project: Print out:

  4. Extra Credit Internet Assignments: (All extra Credit Assignments are worth 100 text points because they can be challenging)
    (But some are easier to do. Do check them out first before deciding on which one to do)

    Internet #1 Crossword Puzzle at:
    Internet Scavenger Hunt:
    Dinasaur Scavenger Hunt:
    Christmas Around The World Scavenger Hunt (5 different ones!):
    Internet Scavenger Hunt:
    Scavenger Hunt:
    Internet Scavenger Hunt:
    Egyptian Scavenger Hunt:
    Mathematics Scavenger Hunt:
    Art-Based Internet Scavenger Hunt:
    Women of Accompanistments: a_lesson/lesson/lesson102.shtml

    Internet Trivia: How many Internet search hits for Dr. Data? For the answer, please use and search on: "John Kuzmich, Jr." The answer is given at the end of this e-mail. You will be very surprised.

  5. Because we are running out of instructional days, Dr. Data will allow students to submit one level of making computer games for 100 extra-credit points with unlimited possibilities between now and the end of the semester which will be most welcomed by the students for raising their grades. Here's how it works. Whenever a student finishes their work for a given day from now on, they can make one level of a computer game for 100 extra-credit points. Which is a great opportunity.

    However, for those students who are not into making computer games, Dr. Data offers alternatives with newsletters, web pages and painting and drawing at:

    Hope this offers your child many, many suitable alternatives for not only raising their grades, but just important, creative opportunities for learning more software applications beyond the A, B, C's of the basics that we have covered in-depth this semester covering: 1) keyboarding, 2) word processing, 3) database, 4) spreadsheets, 5) Internet search engines, and 6) PowerPoint presentations. Now it is time to accelerate.

Thank you and hope you serve my enthusiasm for finishing up the semester on a positive and a positive grade. Note: all makeup work needs to be submitted to Dr. Data before Tuesday, December 20th.

Till next time,

Dr. Data

P.S. Internet trivia question answer: 11,000+ hits for Dr. Data. There's even a web site that rates Dr. Data as a teacher at:

You are welcomed to rate Dr. Data if you desire!!!