September 12, 2005 Newsletter

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Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Computer Class Parents and Their Children:

Finally, we are using computers daily. Hopefully, you child had a successful first day learning how to maximize their use of computers in the PC lab. Here is a summary of what was taught.

  1. Correctly turn on the computers/monitors
  2. Log-on the school computers so one can print, save and access the Internet.
  3. How to access and correctly use the following software applications for daily class instruction
  4. Saving student files for permanent security.

  5. Printing student files and where to submit them.

  6. Exiting computers at the end of class

To reenforce everything that was taught today and continuing into tomorrow as part of the PC computer lab procedures, you and your child can also review today's PowerPoint presentation on-line at: which has nine slides for your perusal of pertinent information.

Hope this PowerPoint slide show is helpful.

Thank you.

Till next time,

Dr. Data
alias Mr. Kuzmich
Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Computer Teacher