September 23, 2005

Dear Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Computer Class Parents and Their Children:

Many, many important things to be aware of.

  1. Students were well instructed today that their assignments are not necessarily being graded because...

  2. Solutions for assignbments not being credited/graded?

  3. Please e-mail Dr. Data at: since he has much difficulty reading all his e-mail in two different accounts.

  4. If you and/or your child needs to see the latest assignments, please go to: and you can read and even print out the daily assignments as they are already listed by day. Note: Fridays usually do not have new assignments since we do typing tests and makeup workout. For example, day 7 was done on Thursday of this week and day 8 will be on this coming Monday.

  5. Last call of All The Right Type software. Today was the deadline for parent orders, but next Friday will be the absolute last call because we have to order them ASAP. Would you believe some of my students are already typing over 50 words per minute while others are barely getting 10 words a minute. The difference in test scores is wide spread. For a score of 56 words a minute with no errors was 202 points on a 100 point test. That's really going at warp speed.

  6. Good News - Bad News! Students do not always follow my instructions for daily assignment in that they tend to not be concerned on how the documents look in terms of layout, formatting, etc. Below are some common problems that I see on a daily basis.

  7. Important: the order will be cancelled unless a minimum of 10 orders are placed. We now have over a dozen orders thus far!

    If you would like to investigate more about this product, ask your child about this software application as there are using it class daily as well as visit the product's web site for more details at:

  8. Preliminary drafts of the Korean Pen Pals are due this coming Friday, September 30th. Length needs to be one page type, in several paragraph with double spaced type or hand-wirtten on two pages.. And the final copy on Friday, October 7, 2005 with two pages, double spaced type. Important that students follow CSAP procedures with good grammar, spelling and syntax. For your information the Korean Pen Pal is the final project for the word processing unit. It will be mailed to Seoul, Korea to Mr. Young-Hun SHIN, English Chairperson in Kwangju district in Seoul, Korea. Their Korean students have studied English since 1st grade and basically read and write as well as our Carmody students. Deadline for submitting the preliminary draft to me is Friday, September 30, 2005, and the final copy along with pictures and other memorabilia is Friday, October 7, 2005. For specific details about this final project, please go to: Please note that photos and memorabilia can be included in the letter when it is mailed to Seoul, Korea. Start collecting such items for "a picture is worth a thousand words." Dr. Data will mail and pay for the air mail postage to Korea. For every Korean pen pal letter your child receives from Korea, they will earn 40 bonus points. Therefore, the letters need to be well written and include some memorabilia. And best of all, students will earn a total of 400 test points for CSAP compliant Korean Pen Pal letters.

  9. I need some V.I.P. assistance for helping our students complete the daily assignments at home whenever they don't finish them in class (which means homework). Namely, it is recommended that students saved their word processing documents in Rich Text File format which is the "O+" blood in the word processing industry. Thus, you child can read, print and save their assignments at home and/or a school and have complete readability. To save in Rich Text file format, simply go to "Save As" in your word processor at home or school and select the file format as .RTF or Rich Text File. Usually, there's an icon for file type, and one can select save different file formats bases the default file type of the word processor.

    Please give your child a 3.5" floppy diskette to use in my classes because I showed the classes how to save in Rich Text File format so they can take any or all of their work home on a daily basis to complete there or bring back to class to print out in school. I gave a ton of floppies out today to help make it easier to complete their work at home. Knowing that students can easily misplace floppies, I need your assistance to make sure that they take good care of their diskettes so they can earn credit for doing all the work! Note: the assignment generally require the following ingredients to earn full credit.

  10. An alternative to using a floppy diskette for taking work home is to print out their work at the class period and then take it home and continue typing at home on a new file where they left off at school. Then, printout the home file and staple with the school printout and bingo, the assignment is now complete if they follow the instructions as specified above!!!!

    Hope this helps our students complete their assignments for submission to me. Note: any assignment not typed correctly in full will be graded with a lower grade. But, it can be completed later before the end of the grading period and resubmitted to me without penalty. Note: Friday, September 30th is the end of the first grading period. I advise that all makeup work be complete a week before Friday, September 30th.

  11. Hope this information is helpful as this is the very last week of the first grading period. Dr. Data will send you another e-mail as soon as he has information about the Carmody Parent Portal system. Note: you will find annotated comments in all daily assignment grades lower than 100% indicating why students are losing points in the assignments.

Hope this information is helpful.

Till next time,

Dr. Data