Dear Carmody 7th & 8th Grade Elective Computer Class Students and Parents.

November 30, 2006

  1. Look for a progress report cominig next week for the third grading period.  The Carmody Parent Portal may not be up-to-date for Dr. Data's classes because Carmody is having serious problems with the server which was down today twice in the PC lab and not sure when it will be back.  Teaching a web-based curriculum with no Internet is a definite obstacle today especially since the server went down twice today with the second one not being resolved today. 
  2. There are some major server hardware repairs that need to be done and not sure when the parts will arrive sand when the server will be permanently up and running.  But I will continue to update the grades from my wireless notebook which is not as dependable or as fast as an Ethernet connection to the server and onto the Internet.  Being absent 5 days before Thanksgiving is another factor.  So hopefully, all updates can be done in a timely manner to provide a more accurate assessment of grades and completion of assignments and tests.
  3. If I have to hold back a day or so on the mid-terms, I will do so in order to get them up-to-date.  And I will certainly e-mail you accordingly so you know precisely when the mid-term progress reports are coming home with your child.  And signed progress reports are worth 100 points as well. so don't hesitate to have your child return the progress reports.

  4. In the meantime, please peruse the Carmody Parent Portal at and have your child check with me so all grades are truly up-to-date.  Especially whenever there are "M" grades which stands for for a missing, unsubmitted and/or ungraded assignment/test.
  5. For any missing assignments/tests, your child can show me their work on the computer for verification that it was indeed completed.. And the grades will then be submitted to the Carmody Parent Portal. Keep your fingers crossed the school server situation has been resolved in the near future in the PC Lab.

Hope this information is helpful.

Thank you.

Till next time,

Dr. Data