Dear Carmody 7th & 8th Grade Elective Computer Class Students and Parents.

October 18, 2006

  1. Best News In Weeks To Report!!! The PC Lab is up and running again finally after 3+ long and frustrating weeks of networking capabilities. The only minor problem now deals on a few computers with printing issues. But most important is all computers can save to the student's individual log-in server folder which is great for security.  My inputing of grades seems be to working painlessly now!!! Therefore, it appears that there should be no problems with student's saving their work onto the school server folder for good security.
  2. Dr. Data is now banned at Carmody!! Believe it or not, Dr. Data's school web site,, has been blocked from all computers at Carmody since Friday because of a school district firewall issue which means he now has to print out all assignments on a daily bases with a computer not connected to the Carmody network system and then copy them on the school's copiers at an additional expense and procedure to the class's supply budget which means it is now an additional expensive to provide daily assignment sheets when before, student's could directly access the web site, and they could print out assignment for no charge using the school printers, toner and paper. However, Dr. Data's web site is accessible outside of Carmody so your child can print out assignments at home without any reservations which is particularly important for out-of-class makeup privileges on a 24/7 basis.
  3. Strongly suggest you check the Carmody Parent Portal for all missing assignments and tests for possible Internet posting errors. Because of the networking problem at Carmody the past three weeks, Dr. Data's grades may not be all posted on the Internet accurately. Yesterday, a parent pointed out that were many mistakes their child's on-grades line and they all got fixed by this morning with both first and second period grades each period going up 20+ points. Don't hesitate to let Dr. Data know if there are any discrepancies and they will get corrected.
  4. All The Right Type typing software has been shipped last Friday from Vancouver, Canada for those who ordered it several weeks ago and should arrive sometime next week from Vancouver, Canada.
  5. Parents are really needed in Dr. Data's class on a regular basis!! Believe it or not, the best school districts in the USAA are not found in the wealthy suburbia schools such as in Beverly Hills, California, Winnetka, Illinois, Short Hills, New Jersey;, etc., but in the U.S. Military Schools throughout the USA. Why? Parents there are required to assist their children's teachers regularly or they get a military court marshal. 60 Minutes TV show some 5 or 6 years ago did a feature story on the U.S. Military Schools on USA military through the country and found that they consistently had the highest ACT and SAT college qualifying tests in the entire nation. What's important here is that military families abundantly live in sub-standard on military bases just to enroll their children in the military base school. With a dozen or more parents regularly assigned in the class room on a daily basis, students get more quality instruction than any private or public school in country. Money is not the reason either. So if there are any parents are ever available to assist Dr. Data with any of the following units of instruction below, please volunteer. Below is the 7th grade curriculum.

    8th grade parents might also have expertise in some of the following areas:

  6. Parents Who Need To Learn Computers and with no charges! Dr. Data cordially invites all parents to participate in daily classes along with their children to learn PowerPoint, Database Management, spreadsheets, Internet Search engines, etc. and all for free on a daily basis. Just look at the curriculum calendar above for which weeks for each unit above. Dr. Data really wants to parents to learn with their children in class if parents can schedule themselves. Come one, come all, you are all warmly invited!!
  7. Note: 7th grade is basically finishing the word processing unit of instruction with assignments at: . The entire semester's curriculum can be found at:

    Special 7th Extra-Credit Assignments: For Those Students Looking To Accelerate!!!

  8. See Dr. Data for the following assignments. The CSAP assignments are worth 75 extra-credit points per assignment and the others are worth 25 point per assignment. Any of them can be done at home or in class. Here are three CSAP web sites to introduce you to some of the kinds of supplemental CSAP activities used in my web-based instruction. The CSAP extra-credit assignments can be done over and over again. Just pick a different topic and start writing again and earning more extra-credit points!

    Your Favorite Words, Crossword Puzzle , Crossword_Puzzle2 , Practice Activity, Hello, My Name Is .........., Definitions , and others.

  9. 8th graders are completing week 8 as the first week of a two week instructional unit on spreadsheets on how their relate to running a teenage business at weeks 8 and 9 at: Week 10 will cover Power Point presentations and week 11 will cover newsletters. Beginning in week 12, we will concentrate on web pages in three segments: 1) HTML, 2) GUI and 3) Dreamweaver
  10. 8th grade curriculum is focused on doing spreadsheets for their businesses. The daily assignments can be found in week 8 at: The entire semester's curriculum is found at:

  11. Special 8th Extra-Credit Assignments: For Those Students Looking To Accelerate!!!