How We Learn Best In Dr. Data's Classes:

Your Choices Below!

Choose Wisely!
We learn 10% of what we read.

We learn 100% by Doing All of Dr. Data's assignments and with additional practice at home.

Note: all of Dr. Data's assignments are Web-Based on a daily basis for the entire semester so it is easy to make up assignments at home on the following link below.

7th Grade Curriculum: Click Here !

8th Grade Curriculum: Click Here !

Good luck in being perfect and better yet, now get started sooner than later at both home and school and you will indeed be perfect in Dr. Data's gradebook.

We learn 20% of what we hear We learn 95% of what we Teach someone: peer to peer
We learn 30% of what we see We learn 80% of what we Experience Personally by Doing it on the computer!
We learn 50% of what we both see and hear We learn 70% of what we Discuss with Others
We learn 70% of what we Discuss with Others We learn 70% of what we Discuss with Others
We learn 80% of what we Experience Personally by Doing it on the computer! We learn 70% of what we Discuss with Others
We learn 95% of what we Teach someone: peer to peer We learn 20% of what we hear

We learn 100% by Doing All of Dr. Data's assignments and with additional practice at home.

Note: all of Dr. Data's assignments are Web-Based on a daily basis for the entire semester so it is easy to make up assignments at home on the following link below.

7th Grade Curriculum: Click Here !

8th Grade Curriculum: Click Here !

Good luck in being perfect and better yet, now get started sooner than later at both home and school and you will indeed be perfect in Dr. Data's gradebook.

We learn 10% of what we read