Microsoft Publisher:

Newsletters and Web Page Assignments!

by Dr. Data

December for first semester and May for second semester classes (4 Days of Instruction)

Microsoft Publisher Demonstration & Instructions

Microsoft's Publisher presentation software will be used now for four days of instruction to design newsletters and web pages.

There is an excellent setup wizard in Microsoft's Publisher for creating newsletters and web pages along with creating of brochures, flyers, signs, greeting cards, banners, menus, award certificates, invitations and other applications.

First Publisher Newsletter Assignment:

For the Specific Eighteen Newsletter Concepts Taught Within Each Daily Assignment:
Go to:

Your 300 point assignments to plan and create a three-page newsletter with text and photos.

Each page must be "hot" link to the other pages, so it is easier to browse the newsletter quickly. Evaluation will be made by using Dr. Datas' Newsletter Rubric. To see the specific rubrics listed below, please click on it at:

Microsoft Publisher Web Page Assignment

Your 300 point assignment is to plan and create a twelve-slide presentation on your sport, vacation trip, hobby or subject in school. Before designing the PowerPoint presentation, you must identify what contents that will go on each slide. For example:

  1. When Publisher first loads, select in the left Wizard column, the appropriate setup wizard to begin using the program. There are 26 different wizard applications to get your first web page constructed. Select the web site wizard will guide you step by step with on-screen menus in structuring your very first web site from scratch with many step-by-step instructions.

  2. Periodically during the construction of your web page, it is important to preview your web site on your web browser in order to see how it will actually look on-line. Under the file menu, go to "Web Page Preview" and you will almost instantly view your web page in your web browser. Then, you can close this web page preview and continue working on the web page.

  3. View your slide show by going to the View pull-down menu and selecting Slide Show. Hit the space bar every time you want to view the next slide.