Dr. Data Student Assistant Contract

Dear Child and Parent:

Your child has volunteered to be a student assistant in a 7th grade Computer class during the 2008-2009 school year. The requirements are that he or she enroll in a 7th grade computer class for one semester during the 2007-2008 school year and assist with the instruction of that class. A student assistant is expected to be able to assist students with their class work, trouble shoot hardware/software problems, do clerical work, design/type instructional materials, load software, print out instructional materials, answer student questions, run errands and post materials on the white board.

In order for your child to be a student assistant, the parent must agree that the child can be assigned to one of my 7th grade classes either 1st or 2nd semester in place of one of their 8th grade elective classes. If you should any questions regarding how this scheduling takes place, please contact Mr. David O’Brien, 7th grade counselor, for details.

All such student assistants for the 2007-2008 school year must read and complete the following student assistant contract form and return to Dr. Data by Tuesday, December 18, 2007.


It is a prerequisites for a student assistant that the child both likes working at the computer and likes to help students. It is expected that a prospective student will have successfully completed the 7th grade Computer class elective class. Normally, Dr. Data selects “A” students, but on occasion he will select a student who would benefit from the peer to peer experience as a student assistant.

Specific Expectations for Student Assistant Behavior

Behavior in a computer learning environment must be suitable for quality level instruction where the rights of the student and teacher are respected. Likewise, classroom rules and procedures must be respected so that the primary efforts of both the students and teacher are focused on the instructional process. I believe it is important that both the students and teacher have the expectation to be happy, safe and productive in the classroom. Since the 7th Grade exploratory computer class represents an introductory class in computer skills, the success of the class is not to be only measured by the computer skills taught but also respect for the high technology atmosphere. The PC Lab has 34 computer workstations for 30 students along with monitors, printers and other related equipment within a modest-sized room. This needs to be an orderly and secure environment. I will publish detailed expectations for each part of the general classroom procedures (entering the room, beginning of the period activity, administrative task, lectures, cooperative learning, testing, seat work, and others), including security expectations for students entering the room as well as for instructional period and wrap-up at the end of the class period. Students are not to leave their chairs during the period unless directed by the teacher.

1. Follow Dr. Data’s instructions on a daily basis.

2. Attend class regularly and not-be-tardy.

3. No chewing of gum or eating any food in class.

4. Respect the rights of 7th graders in the classroom by choosing appropriate language and never touching or teasing a fellow student.

5. Report any and all classroom or behavior issues to Dr. Data.

6. Assist others with a positive attitude modeled by Dr. Data role.

7. Be aware that student assistants do not specialize in one kind of service. Be willing to engage in many different and interesting assignments from computer repair, software loading, doing errands, teaching one-on-one, passing out papers, and other necessary assignments based on the need at hand!

Dr. Data’s Overall Classroom Behavior Rules for both Students and Assistants:

1. Be respectful and polite to all students, equipment and teacher.
2. Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
3. No trespassing with respect to other people and their property.
4. Bring your own materials to class.
5. Obey all school rules and classroom procedures or pay the published consequences for choosing to break classroom rules.

To encourage students to follow the classroom rules, I will reinforce appropriate behavior with:

Individual Rewards:

1. "Verbal praise."
2. "Positive notes" home to parents.
3. "Positive phone calls to parents."
4. "Certificates of Merit."
5. Floating "A" via 20 individual bonus points.

Consequences if a student chooses to break a rule:

1. If there is a problem in class, the teacher will discuss it with student to try to resolve it, and if necessary, assign the student to Mop Squad after school cleaning up the classroom.
2. If the problem persists, the teacher will conference with the student.
3. If the problem persists, the teacher will contact the parent about the student's behavior.
4. If the problem still persists, the student will be referred to a counselor to discuss the situation.
5. If the problem continues, the teacher, the student, an administrator, and the parents will meet to discuss it and the administrator will devise and implement a behavior contract for the student to follow.
6. If the problem still persists, the student is suspended as a result of not adhering to the administrator's behavior contract.

Student Assistant Grading Criteria

Exploratory Class grades will be calculated based on a point system. The primary breakdown will be as follows. Note: there are not tests for student assistants:

70 % Student Assistant Class Participation based on a 5-point daily point system

From the total possible points available, student percentiles will be calculated and averaged against the over-all percentile. The following will be used to determine quarterly letter grades:

90% = A
80% = B
70% = C Less than 60% = F
60% = D

Weekly grades will be posted on the Internet at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Grades.html. You should be able to check with your child every Friday after school for a accurate assessment of their grade as well as print out their weekly progress report from this web site.

Daily Class Participation Work:

Daily student assistant class participation grades will be calculated on the basis of 5 points per day. Daily class participation work is a daily evaluation of your attendance, punctuality, cooperation, effort, and citizenship. A student must be present to earn the 5 maximum points. Excused absences can be made up at a rate of 1 point per 10 minutes spent working in the PC lab on class work during times mutually available to the student and teacher outside of class. Points will be subtracted for lack of class work and participation during the class period, unexcused absences (zero points), and unicast tardies.

Special Notes:

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at school at 982-8930 or leave a message on the school district's voice message system at my phone number: 982-8883. A detailed weekly lesson plan will be put on my voice message system (982-8883) every Sunday evening for the coming week's instruction, assignments, tests and availability for after school makeups so that parents and students can to better plan according. Note: it is usually quicker to leave a message at 982-8930 if you want me to contact you rather than leaving it on my voice mail which is primarily used for my lesson plans. I also maintain a web page for my classes along with a complete update-to-date progress report every weekend throughout the semester at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Carmody_Opening.htm.

You really need to check out this web page because it is so thorough about the class curriculum, class expectations, teaching standards, Carmody “Whiz Chips” Computer Club, and much more!!

Thank you.

John Kuzmich, Jr.
7th Grade Computer Elective Teacher
Carmody Middle School
2050 S. Kipling
Lakewood, CO 80227
Phone: 303-982-8930
E-mail: jkuzmich@earthlink.net

Parents or Guardians of Dr. Data Students

As a computer class student assistant, I agree that I am willing and able to:

1. Assist with one-on-one student teaching
2. Load computer software
3. Do minor computer repair/trouble shooting
4. Comply with Dr. Data’s requests for assistance whenever and wherever needed.
5. Follow all classroom and general school behavior rules.

If you agree to follow all above mentioned expectations, please sign below and return to Dr. Kuzmich by Tuesday, December 18, 2007.

I agree that my child will fulfill the expectations associated with being a student assistant for Dr. Data’s class as a 8th grade student assistant for the 2008-2009 school year.

Student’s Name (Print Please) _____________________________________ Date: __________

Student’s Signature: ___________________________________ Team ______

Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________

Parent e-mail address: ________________________________________________

For better communication and accountability, please send Dr. Data an e-mail so he can be sure that your e-mail address is properly notated in class record e-mail address book to: jkuzmich@earthlink.net

Thank you.

Dr. Data