• Klik & Play Tutorial. Soon to be posted.
  • Multimedia Fusion Tutorial. Part I: Intro Concepts. Click here.
  • Multimedia Fusion Tutorial. Part II: How to make a Short Frame. Click here.
  • 9th Annual Whiz Chips Annual Klik & Play Gaming Contest With Multimedia Fusion Added!

    Contest Donors and Winners!! Click here!

    Contest Rules
    1. Interested in entering the annual Whiz Chips Computer Gaming Contest taking place on May 19, 20 and 22, 2008.
    2. "Live" real-time gaming will take place in the PC lab in room 110 on those three days from 2:15 to 3 p.m. with the Whiz Chips Club judging the competition in two different categories/levels: 1) entry-level with Klik & Play and 2) advanced level with Multimedia Fusion. 7th and 8th grades are all eligible to enter.
    3. For more details and where to obtain the contest application, go to Microsoft Explorer as the only web browser that opens up http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Contest1.html. But any other Internet browser will work well with all other competition URL's listed on this web site.
    4. For viewing more contest flyers, go to: Poster 1 (click here), Poster 2 (click here) and Poster 3 (click here)
    5. View and print the Klik & Play Contest Rules at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Klik_Rules.html
    6. View and print the Klik & Play Contest Application at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Klik_Application.html
    7. View and print Multimedia Fusion Rules: http://Multimedia_Rules.html (forthcoming soon)
    8. View and print Muiltimedia Fusion Application: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Multimedia_Application.html (forthcoming soon).
    9. It is possible that the three-day competition will be video streamed on Dr. Data's school site. More details to follow. Parents must sign a permission slip to be photographed as part of the contest appllication or they can't be video taped for possible video streaming on the Internet! With a three-day competition, we will have lots of video footage to put a professional presentation on-line.
    10. Presently working on "prizes" for the winners of the competition. More details to be forthcoming soon..
  • Learn how to build a web page?
  • Learn how to make a computer game?
  • Sign-up for the "Whiz Chips" Mailing List! Become a Member!!!
    1. Click Here to Sign Up!
  • Learn how to edit a video on a computer?
Just come to a Whiz Chips Club meeting on Mondays from 2:20 - 3:00 in PC Lab, room 110 on designated Mondays. It is open for membership to any and all 7th and 8th grade Carmody students who are interested in computers. Students do not have to be enrolled in a computer class at Carmody.

What's Old With The Whiz Chips Clubs?

Representative topics covered will be as follows:

  • The latest "Whiz Chips" Club activity is in sponsoring a break-away day activity during breakaway day in December, 2005 with a multimedia visitation to Warren Tech with instruction provided by students and web making design plus a computer gaming network contest at the Westwood College of Technology between 8:15 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  • Web page design. Carmody Middle School has a home page and the Whiz Chips Club will have their own web site. Dr. Data will supervise the web site and post it for the Club.
  • Designing, Creating and laying computer games with either Klik & Play or Multimediai Fusion software.
  • Internet access
  • Videoconferencing with people around the world
  • Creating instructional videos pertaining to class instruction.
  • Computer maintenance and repair among many. Examples: Scan Disk, Defraging hard disk drives, virus scanning, replacing bad floppy disk drives, loading computer software on computers, etc. Membership is limited since there are only 24 Pentium workstations in the PC Lab.

Below Are Some Previous Whiz Chips Club Special Activities:
  1. Annual "Whiz Chips" All-School Computer Games Tournament in December. First initiated in December 1999. Featuring Klick & Play games beginning competed in time-oriented contest in which students are graded on the number of levels that they complete.
  2. Official Rules and Procedures via a PowerPoint Slideshow! compiled and written by 8th grade student assistant Mike B______
  3. Congratulations to the following recently elected officers in the "Whiz Chips" Club for the 2005-2006 school year:
    • President: Nathan L_____
    • Vice-President: Conner P____________
    • Treasurer: Jonathan ________
    • Secretary: Kyle __________________
    • Coordinator/Informator: Scott A_____
    • Game Keeper: Justin V________
    • Video Chairman: Josh S________
    • Communicator: Mike B_______
    • Internet Advisor: Tanner K_____
    • Internet Surfer: Jolie O_______
    • Graphical Image File Specialist: Kyle S_____
    • Member At-Large: Josh S_____
    • Member At-Large: Kyle R_____
    • HTML Coordinator: Kevin Y_____
  4. HTML Practice File
    • Practice file for HTML file writing and posting
  5. Participation in the annual AT&T Virtual Classroom Contest Clubhouse! Whiz Chips Club Partner Schools in the AT&T Virtual Classroom Contest Clubhouse that has involved students in Melbourne, Australia.

    For more info: E-mail Dr. Data