Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Students and Parents.

April 17, 2006

  1. Grades have been posted for the 5th grading period!!

  2. Parental Help is Needed because spreadsheets are the most difficult unit of instruction in the entire semester. Fortunately, all assignments can be finished at home. Today was the first day of spreadsheet instruction. More info can be learned about our spreadsheet instruction at: which includes on-line tutorials and daily worksheet assignments with both numeric answers and their formula answers. . If parents are familiar with spreadsheets, please don't hesitate to jump in and help your child get into understanding formulas because they can be done at home since most home computers probably have Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus or other popular applications installed and ready for your tutoring!. Once the concept of formulas is understood, spreadsheets become fun. Note: all spreadsheet assignments have to be printed out with the formulas displayed and not with the answers. Without formulas being displayed/printed, the assignments are not accepted for credit! The concept of ousing formals is a difficuilt for many of my students right. If you can further enlgihit your child about formuilas, success if just around the corner for both of us.

  3. Does your child need more tutorial assistance with spreadsheets? Here are excellent on-line tutorials for learning spreadsheet concepts



Required Spreadsheet Assignments
(You can use Clarisworks or Microsoft Excel)

Demonstration Sheet - Assignment #1. Printout the Introduction Spreadsheet Worksheet with answers only. Then print out the Introduction Spreadsheet with formulas for all answers. Do not submit your Introduction Spreadsheet assignment until it has formuals displayed instead of just numeric answers. Dr. Data will show you how to toggle between an answer version and a formula version. Once this is learned, success will be yours in the spreadsheet unit!

Note: if you would like to know what spreadsheet concepts you will be learning in this unit of instruction, go to: to take the 500, 400, 300, 200 or 100 point test. You literally can earn the grade of your choice!

Hope this information is helpful.

Till next time,

Dr. Data