Dear Carmody 7th Grade Computer Class Parents and Students:

  1. Not to Late to fix "Spring Fever!" Please check out your child's grades at the Carmody Parents Portal to see if you child is missing any assignments/tests. If so, all assignments can be done at home with the assignments printout along with a parent's signature and date of completion of the assignment. Even the Final Assessment tests can be done at home for the database, spreadsheet, Internet Search Engines and PowerPoint units of instruction. Simply go to:

  2. What's coming next in Dr. Data's classes?: PowerPoint Slide unit has just been concluded. For more insight, go to: which offers a lot of flexible and creative incentives to finish out the semester in grand style with various projects with Microsoft Publisher, Band In-A-Box, Clarisworks, and Klik & Play. Namely, students can customized the instruction and assessments to be best meet their needs and instructions. The last two full weeks of instruction will involve any combination of doing creative, graphical projects: newsletters, web pages, computer music creation, painting & drawing, and/or computer game design. The purpose of this instruction is to develop artistic skills on the computer for designing music, painting and drawing and computer games with animation and special sound effects. Each day an assignment from the ones below when completed earn 100 points per day for a minimum of 800 points for the entire eight days! Final Projects are worth 300 points. Match your interests with these assignments and earn as many points as possible as needed to earn the next grade higher! Any of follows units below can be done in any order for one or more school days.

Hope this information is helpful.

Till next time,

Dr. Data