Dear 7th Carmody Middle School 7th Grade Exploratory Computer Class Parents and Students:

Happy Welcome" to the 2006 Winter Semester.

Trust your children are having a great start to the 2006 winter semester. This "7th Grade Elective Computer Class" e-mail newsletter system will help keep you informed "before the fact rather than after the fact." is now up and running with its 2nd edition for this semester! This newsletter will be updated nearly every week on my web site describing important things to know about in my 7th grade technology classes. So please look forward to these newsletters. Thank you for providing me with your e-mail addresses as a means of improved communicating. A short cut for reading my weekly newsletters is to go to: <>. So please bookmark so you can check periodically for new updates. My guess is that there will be another newsletter coming out this Tuesday after school. I hope that your child is enjoying my 7th grade computer elective classes. If you know of any parents in my 7th grade elective computer classes who aren't receiving it, please notify them to contact me via this e-mail address and I'll add them to my list. Presently, I have nearly 120+ e-mail addresses of parents in my bulk-mailing newsletter e-mail list which means I am communicating with nearly all of my 7th grade parents a minimum of three or four times a month about our unique/innovative class.

  1. Who is the Real Dr. Data?! For the most comprehensive, introduction to understand the unique education your child will receive, please go to: and you will be guided tour displaying the following information:
  2. "Dr. Data" Alias Mr. Kuzmich:

    Your 7th Grade Elective Computer Teacher!

    The Real Dr. Data

  3. Carmody Middle School's only full Web-based Courseware is the 7th Grade Exploratory Computer classes which are posted on the Internet 24/7 at: with more than 7,770 hits over 4 years. Web site features include: student contracts, student assistant contracts, how to guarantee passing the class, academic achievements, skills and teaching standards, curriculum syllabus, daily assignments, access to grades 24/7, on-line parent-student-teacher conferencing, weekly newsletters, Whiz Chips Computer Club and much more. Daily assignments can be printed and completed at home whenever absent from school at: The no-nonsense curriculum features a very comprehensive approach to computer instruction covering 1) touch-typing keyboard skills, 2) word processing, 3) database, 4) spreadsheet, 5) Internet Search engines, 6) PowerPoint, 7) Microsoft Publisher newsletters and web pages, 8) painting and drawing, 9) computer music and 10) designing and constructing computer games with animation and sound effects.

  4. Carmody's 7th Grade Exploratory Computer classes are attracting National Recognition. Carmody currently has a $3,000 site license grant for their PC Lab with "MultiMedia Fusion" by Clickteam which has advanced computer gaming applications. For more information about this professional computer game programming program, go to:

  5. Dedicated teacher with preventative strategies for effective classroom management

  6. Students will not fear failure because Dr. Data Guarantees All Students Will Pass If... See "Success Guaranteed in Dr. Data's Classes If Students/Parents Follow These Guidelines!"at: which requires both student and parent participation for this warranty service to truly function successful.

  7. Dr. Data sponsors the Carmody Middle School Whiz Chips Club is an exciting club that teaches its members how to design and make computer games with our free shareware game construction program: Klik & Play that you can download at home at and use and play at home as well. The “Whiz Chips” club sponsors a computer game playing contest in December and a game construction contest in May plus a Break Away day activity of whole hog gaming in December at Westwood College of Technology. Come one and all and find out why the “Whiz Chips Club” is a winner at Carmody. Listen for the morning announcements for date and time of our first meeting and be ready to learn the art of computer gaming with animation and special sound effects! For more info, go to:

  8. Desire more info information about Dr. Data, go to his professional resume at: and listen to Dr. Data play his clarinet on the Blues.

  9. Still want more info about Dr. Data, go to and you will not disappointed to learn more about his professional career, his unusual musical family, his family history in Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine and much more.

  10. Dr. Data has presents special clinics and workshops at national/international conferences in four continents: South America (Chile), Europe (Poland), Australia and North America (including Hawaii).

  11. Don't hesitate to contact Dr. Data if you have any questions or concerns at:

Don't forget to visit Dr. Data's lesson plans on his weekly voice message system about the week's instruction. This could be particularly valuable whenever your child is absent from school or on a school field trip. Again, do so, please call 303-982-8883 24/7. The message is usually updated by Friday for the upcoming week's instruction or on Mondays.

Hope this installment of Dr. Data's 7th grade elective computer class newsletter is helpful in keeping you up-to-date with your child's activities, grades and well-being in the "7th Grade Computer Class."

In closing, look for Dr. Data's weekly newsletters at: Normally, he will e-mail you on the day it is posted as a reminder that it is up and available for your perusal.

Till next time,

John Kuzmich, Jr.
(alias Dr. Data )


P.S. You can always access the 7th Grade Computer Class website from the Carmody Middle School web site at: