Dear Carmody 7th Grade Elective Computer Class Students and Parents.

February 28, 2006

1. Welcome to this Thursday's Carmody Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences. They will take place between 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. in room 110. Remember: do not wait outside the room but go into the room immediately check out your child's electronic portfolio (word processing documents, typing tests, etc.). In addition, I also suggest that you observe your child taking a typing test. A special reward of 20 bonus points (one floating A) will be issued to any student who accompanies their parent(s) to the conference with Dr. Data.

2. Carmody's Parent Portal via Infinite Campus is up and running. Strongly suggest that parents check it daily after 4 p.m. if they are concerned about their child's classwork habits. Daily classroom grades are posted daily for your perusal. That should make a huge difference in being well informed about what assignments/tests need to be updated for better grades. We are presently in the word processing unit, go to: Today, we are on day #15 in the word processing unit. That means assignments 1 through 15 should have been completed by this afternoon plus all typing tests from 1A through 2F. On Friday, the class will do typing tests 2F and 3A. This should help you track your child's progress on a daily or weekly basis.

In order to help students know what daily assisgments and tests are missing, class progress reports are being posted every Monday morning on the bulletin board listing all assignment by student numbers in a random orderm for confidentiality. So students can now easily check the bulletin board to review what they have and have not earned grades for. And best of all, they can make up the work until April 13th for the 5th grading period without any penalty.

3. Soon we will be going to the database unit sometime next week which you can peruse at: Please be aware that the database unit can't be made up at home because one needs access to the Camrody databases in room #110. However, you can make arrangements with Dr. Data to make up missing assignment Monday through Friday by appointment.

4. Note: Finale Korean Pen Pal letters (two full pages, double spaced) are due this Friday. Preliminary copies have been returned to ostudents withi corrections. And final Koren Pen Pal letters will be mailed before spring break to Seoul, Korea. Please have your child bringing in photos and any missing pen pal letters to school beginning on Friday, March 3, 2006 so we can package the letters accordingly in the box being sent. If anyone needs to send their child's pen pal letter to Korea after next week, please mail it directly to:

Mr. Young Hun SHIN
Pen Pal Coordinator
Kweang-Ju P.O. Box 160
Seoul. Korea 501-600

The postage rate is $1.00 per ounce.

Hope this information is helpful. Looking forward to meeting all parents with their children this Thursday from 3:30 to 7 p.m.

Till next time,

Dr. Data