April 28 2007

Dear Carmody Middle School Elective 7th Grade Parents and Students:

  1. Dr. Data is alive and well. Surgery was successful but his body doesn't respond well to anesthesia in post-operative days. But he will not disappoint you as promised in the previous newsletter #10. And Friday's submitted test scores and assignments have indeed been posted to the Carmody Parent Portal for your daily viewing and perusal. And you can look forward to more grades being posted on a regular basis so when "Dr. Data" is away from school till May 14th, the "students" best not play! For those parents who what to anticipate their child's progress reports on a daily basis, simply log in to the Carmody Parent Portal at: https://campus.jeffco.k12.co.us/campus/portal/jeffco_IC.jsp. You will find some students still on with "Spring Fever" and Carmody's Parent Portal is a great remedy to rectify this situation ASAP before Dr. Data returns to Carmody on May 14th.
  2. No "Open Labs" till Thursday, May 20th for Dr. Data classes, but there are two viable alternatives to make it possible for all students to maintain their missing assignment submissions to Dr. Data in a timely manner whenever assignments are not completed during the class periods.
    1. Database:  http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/database_syllabus.html#Management during fifth grading period.

      Spreadsheets: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/spreadsheet_syllabus.html#Required until May 2nd.

      Internet Search Engines: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/internet_syllabus.html#Assignments from May 3 to May 11th

      PowerPoint: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/powerpoint_syllabus.html#Assignments from May 14th

      Final Two Weeks: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/Final_Two_Weeks_Syllabus.html during the last two weeks of school.

  3. Carmody's 8th Annual Whiz Chips Computer Gamming Contest with over $600.00 in prizes. Go to http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/whiz_chips_intro.html for contest rules and prizes thus far donated. Contest will be a "live" gamming competition on Monday, May 18th, tuesday, May 19th and Thursday, May 21st in which all games have to be constructed from scratch. Encourage your child to participate as we will be using Klik & Play in which most of the students already know how to construct games. And best of all, there 's no entry fee. If your child would like a free copy Klik & Play, have the student give me a clean CD-R and I will burn them a legal copy in which they can even practice making games at home. Here are some of the prizes donated thus far.
  4. You Can Also Do On-Line Database Assignments for Home Use 24/7 Even If You Don't Have Clarisworks At Home!

    Namely, you don't need Clarisworks to do the database assignments over the Internet where ever you are over spring break. The link below is for the instant web publishing of Dr. Data's class databases at: http://www.adlineagency.com/kuzmich . Use the following account information and you have access to all of the database assignments that can be done at home. You do not have to have Clarisworks or Appleworks on your home computer in order to do the assignments on your home computer.

    Account Name: john (be sure to use lower case for "john") Password: "drdata" (be sure it is lower case)
    Go to layout to find specific database file to work on (Pres, bronco, inventor, etc.).. This on-line database works just like Clarisworks or Appleworks on our PC lab computers.

  5. 8th Graders: go to http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Lesson_Plans.html and all assignments can viewed, printed and done at home. Just go to weeks 6, 7, 8, 9 and now week 13 and you will have the entire 4th grading period's assignments available for your perusal. We are now learning HTML programming codes. Next week we construct web pages with Netscape and then with Microsoft Publisher before closing on how to make computer games.