April 3, 2007

Dear Carmody Middle School Elective 7th Grade Parents and Students:

  1. Progress reports are being distributed in Dr. Data's classes on Wednesday, April 4, 2007. For those parents what to anticipate their child's progress reports right now, simply log in to the Carmody Parent Portal at: https://campus.jeffco.k12.co.us/campus/portal/jeffco_IC.jsp. The grading period ends next Friday, April 13th. So it is that time of the grading period to sprint!!!
  2. Don't hesitate to have your child makeup missing assignments at home. The curriculum assignments can be accessed, printed and done at home if you have access to a computer with the Internet by going to:

    Word processing:  http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/claris_syllabus.html

    Database:  http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/database_syllabus.html#Management

    About the only assignments that can't be done at home are the typing tests which have to be done at school. She can stay with me daily till three p.m.  My guess is that might like to do them at home.

    For your information, all of nine database assignments the past two weeks have included the answer sheets to help the students the concepts involved in doing database assignments.  See the links below for clue (answer sheets) given to all students.  Forthcoming database assignments will also have answer sheets. Note: required password to open up the database assignments below is "drdata".

    Presidents #1 Worksheet - assignment #1 - C-3. Special clue sheet available with not only the answers, but more importantly, specific steps in learning how to use a database to search for the correct answers: President No. 1 Clue Sheet . Learning objective : After completing this lesson, the student will be able to search a database on the by choosing the field to be search. Name of the data file to be opened up in Clarisworks is: "Pres.cwk."

    Countries and Capitals of the World , assignment #2 - C-4 and C-5. Special clue sheet available with not only the answers, but more importantly, specific steps in learning how to use a database to search for the correct answers: . Country Assisted Clue Sheet. Learning objective: After completing the lesson, student will be able sort by selecting which field to be searched.

    Denver Broncos Player Background Worksheet - assignment #3 - C-6: Special clue sheet available with not only the answers, but more importantly, specific steps in learning how to use a database to search for the correct answers Bronco Player Clue Sheet . Learning objective : After completing the lesson, the student will be able to display the correct data answers by searching in the sort mode.

    Rivers of the World - Thursday, assignment #4 - C-7 and C-8: Special clue sheet available with not only the answers, but more importantly, specific steps in learning how to use a database to search for the correct answers: Rivers of the World Clue Sheet. Learning objective : After completing the lesson, the student will be able to display the correct data answers by searching in the sort mode.

    Colorado Avalanche Worksheet - assignment #5 - C-9 and C-10: Avalanche Clue Sheet. Learning objective : After completing the lesson, the student will be able to display the correct data answers by searching in the sort mode.

    Inventor's Worksheet - Tuesday, assignment #6 - C-11 and C-12 . Inventor's Clue Sheet Learning objective : After completing the lesson, the student will be able to display the correct data answers by searching in the sort mode.

    Colorado Rockies - Wednesday, assignment #7 - C-15 and C-16 : Special clue sheet available with not only the answers, but more importantly, specific steps in learning how to use a database to search for the correct answers: Colorado Rockies Clue Sheet . Learning objective : After completing the lesson, the student will be able to display the correct data answers by searching in the sort mode.

    Our Solar System - assignment #8 - C-18 and C-19: Solar System Clue Sheet . Learning objective : After completing the lesson, the student will be able to display the correct data answers by searching in the sort mode.
  3. Mountains of the World - assignment #9 - C-20 and C-21: Mountains Clue Sheet .

    Colorado Rapids - assignment #10 - C-24 and C-25: No clue sheet available. 500 points will be awarded to the student who can developed a good clue sheet for this database assignment. It will be posted on-line and will bear the student's name! Learning objective : After completing the lesson, the student will be able to display the correct data answers by searching in the sort mode.

    States - assignment #11 - C-26 and C-27 : States Clue Sheet . Learning objective : After completing the lesson, the student will be able to display the correct data answers by searching in the sort mode.

    Construct Your Own Database - assignment #12 - C-30 and C-31. For details on this final project, go to: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/database_project.pdf . See rubric for guidelines at: http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/dailyrubric.pdf . Learning objective: construct a database from scratch demonstrating a thorough understanding of fields, records and searching techniques along with 15 questions and 15 clue sheets for the class to answer. This final project is worth 500 points and will be due next week

  4. You Can Also Do On-Line Database Assignments for Home Use 24/7 Even If You Don't Have Clarisworks At Home!

    Namely, you don't need Clarisworks to do the database assignments over the Internet where ever you are over spring break. The link below is for the instant web publishing of Dr. Data's class databases at: http://www.adlineagency.com/kuzmich . Use the following account information and you have access to all of the database assignments that can be done at home. You do not have to have Clarisworks or Appleworks on your home computer in order to do the assignments on your home computer.

    Account Name: john (be sure to use lower case for "john") Password: "drdata" (be sure it is lower case)
    Go to layout to find specific database file to work on (Pres, bronco, inventor, etc.).. This on-line database works just like Clarisworks or Appleworks on our PC lab computers.

  5. 8th Graders: go to http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/business/Lesson_Plans.html and all assignments can viewed, printed and done at home. Just go to weeks 6, 7, 8, 9 and now week 10 and you will have the entire 4th grading period's assignments available for your perusal. PowerPoint is very popular among students and it should be a fun week for them.
  6. For parents who ordered the "All The Right Typing" programs, they are in and ready for distribution to your child. Please have your child pick them up from Dr. Data on Wednesday to practice with at home and to makeup all typing scores for the semester right now! That's great incentive to help raise ones grades ASASP for both 7th and 8th grade classes particularly at the end of this grading period!!!!!!!