February 27, 2008

Dear Carmody Middle School Elective 7th & 8th Grade Parents and Students:

Four things going on this week.
  1. Carmody's last Parent-Teacher Conferences are this Thursday evening from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.  Bring your child and let's talk!!!  One floating "A" to every child who brings one or more parents to the conference.  No appointments necessary.  And the Floating "A" is indeed worth attending plus you get to meet Dr. Data in person.
  2. Final Korean Pen Pal Letter is due this Friday and worth 300 test points.  It needs to be two pages double spaced typed with paragraphs well organized with a topic sentence and supporting and concluding sentences plus good grammar, sentence syntax and spelling.  Please proof your child's final copy before submitting to Dr. Data on Friday.  Pen pal details can be read at:  http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/penpal_908.html . Letters will be mailed to Seoul, Korea by the second week of March with with photos and other light memorabilia such as stamps, post cards, newspaper clipping. For every letter received back from Korea, you child earns 2 floating "A's" which represents 40 bonus points.
  3. The PC lab is now wired successfully with a monitoring software to observe each workstation separately and offer instruction as well.  Tomorrow, we will attempt to teach through by broadcasting Dr. Data's instruction.  It is an exciting moment to have the opportunity to work with students on a one-to-one basis as well as the entire class.  You must see it in operation.

  4. All The Right Type typing programs ordered are now in.  Your child will receive it tomorrow in class.  Now they can really start practicing at home seriously, resulting in higher Friday typing test scores.

Hope to see you at parent-teacher conference on Thursday. 

Hope this information is helpful.

Thank you.

Till next time,

Dr. Data