Charms Music Office Assistant:

5 Minute Tutorial

  1. Open the web browser to
  2. Click on “Registered Users”
  3. Enter “derek” for username and “teacher” as the password.
  4. Close the welcome pop-up window.
  5. You are looking at the HUB – from this screen you can get anywhere in the program in one or two clicks. All your students are listed, your library is listed, student forms are listed, fundraisers are listed, quick links to all reports, and quick links to financial summaries.
  6. Click on a student name
  7. The student detail page shows lots of information about the student, but the only required fields are the ID and the name.
  8. You can email directly from Charms – click on the e-mail icon.
  9. You can assign a student to up to four classes. Click on the “More” checkbox.
  10. You can schedule Private teachers if the student has a teacher. Click the “clock” icon next to the teacher box (if there is a teacher, otherwise skip this…) then click “Back”
  11. Once you select a student you can stay with that student for all the functions in Charms. Look at the white tool bar beneath the student name – Delete, Parent Log, Progress Log, etc. Click “Fees”.
  12. If all fees haven’t been collected for this student, select on from the drop down list, enter “F13” in the “Deposit Number” box and click “Enter”. The screen will refresh, showing the fee paid.
  13. Now let’s look at other features of Charms. In the main navigation tabs, click “Calendar”
  14. Click on any number in the calendar, and make an entry.
  15. IF the “desk” icon is flashing in the main tool bar, click it, enter your name, email, login name of “derek” and “HELP” for the topic, and press “Submit” and we’ll chat live for the MTNA group to show the live tech support! (They really like that…)
  16. Click on the “library” tab.
  17. Select any title from the drop down list
  18. If the “number of copies” box is more than 0, you will see a barcode next to the box. Click the barcode to show the individual copy numbered barcodes. Then close the window.
  19. Let’s look at some library reports. Click on “Print Reports” in the gray sub-menu tabs.
  20. A new window opens with the category library report. Click on “By Composer”, then click on “By Title” to show different views.
  21. Click on “Filter” to show the search and select for the library reports.
  22. Enter a “B” in the composer box and click “Select” to show only composers who start with “B”.
  23. Close Report Window
  24. Click on “Finances” on the main navigation tabs.
  25. Show the different financial links on the sub-menu: Fundraising, Trip Accts, Fees, Student Acct, Student Summary, Budget, Activity Fund, Booster Club, and Audit Trail. (You don’t need to show the screens, just point out the links.)
  26. Now Click “Exit” on the main navigation bar and we’ll look at the parent section.
  27. From the main Charms home page, click the “Parents” button on the left.
  28. Enter “cornchoir” and click the Enter button.
  29. Click the “calendar” icon to show the calendar is “read-only” for the parents. Click “Back”
  30. Click on the “Choir Handbook” icon to show that teachers can upload files to Charms. Click “Back”
  31. Enter “7594” in the student ID box and press “Enter” to see all the individual student screens that the parent can see.
  32. Click on “Finances” to show trip payments, fee payments, and fundraising.
  33. Click through the other links on the top of the page and linger on the last one. If the teacher allows it, the parents can update addresses and phone numbers themselves!
  34. Click “Exit” to show the Charms Home Page. You might want to show how to try the demo by clicking on the “Free Demo” button.