Band, Vocal, Two Adjoining Classrooms and Auditorium
(Note: pre-workshop demonstrations will begin at 3 p.m. in the Bandroom)
Workshop demonstrations beginning at 4 p.m.
in band room with different SoundField Amplification Systems.
When band goes to the auditorium for their continued rehearsal,
we meet in band room to go through the following materials:
Web site hand-out
Learning Research with SoundField Amplification Systems
Research on Common Vocal Disorders with Music Educators
Workman's Comp Coverage via the Disability Act for School
District Coverage for SoundField Amplification
Lombard Effect
Manufacturer Representatives Covering the Following Techno
The different ways of creating a sound field in the classroom
Differences with FM Synthesis, infrared and UHF system
Differences between portable and permanent sound reenforcement
systems beyond costs
Differences between different kinds of microphones for
low-key/high power amplifications
Lend-lease purchase plans if available or other creative
ways to finance sound field systems
Tricks on how to adjust the microphone levels for maximum
Do's and Don't's on how to effectively use a sound field
What to look for in a sound field system beyond what
I bought my wife in a Radio Shack wireless system that I first bought
my wife when she a vocal disorder! Note I eventually threw it away when
I learned that real sound field systems are significantly better than
the Radio Shack system.
Individual manufacturer's demonstrations till 6 p.m. Each
manufacturer should have equal time in the two large ensemble rooms plus two
other classrooms available.
Post-Workshop for 30 to 45 days only those teachers attending
the workshop will be eligible to use a sound system of their choice for 2
or 3 days at their school. Ms. Kris Edwards, Jefferson County School District
Music Coordinator, will do the post-workshop scheduling. Note: not all manufacturers
will be participating in this post-workshop consignment, so be aware that
you may not have a choice of which brand of SoundField amplification equipment
you can use. The school district will return the equipment as per manufacturer's
instructions via Ms. Kris Edwards.