
Steven J. Gertel, Senior Manager, Standard Development, Orange County Public Schools, Orlando, Florida
"For those children who come to our schools from homes where English is their second language or is rarely spoken, it is critical that they hear the language spoken clearly to learn it correctly. For those children who come to our schools with often undiagnosed reduced hearing capacity, the ability to hear the teacher at an acceptable volume is very important. For those children who come to our schools with behavioral problems or exhibit inattentiveness, the solution, more often than not, has proven to be the ability to hear the teacher at the same time as everyone else in the classroom. And especially for teachers that have to talk continuously and often struggle to reach all the children in their classrooms, Audio Enhancement and its associated technology have proven to be a versatile and cost-effective answer "to leave no child behind", by creating an auditory environment that makes real education possible."

University of Akron, Speech & Hearing Center, Dr. Carol Flexer,
Dept. of Communication Disorders, Akron, OH . Invited Article: Sound Field FM Systems, Questions Most Often Asked about Classroom Amplification. Sound field systems, in fact, can make a huge difference in the learning environment, and thus, in the learning potential of children. The purpose of sound field amplification is to amplify the teacher’s voice throughout the classroom. Invited Article: Teachers supported the use of sound field for such reasons as the teachers felt free to move about the classroom and they did not need to repeat directions or comments as often. Students in sound field amplified classes stated that they did not have to work as hard to hear and that they were not constantly looking around to see the teacher. Administrators reported fewer teacher absences due to voice fatigue and strain.

MARRS, A National Diffusion Network Project
Wabash and Ohio Valley Special Education District, Hood Center, Box E, Norris City, Illinois 62869. Contact Persons: Helen Ray, Director of Project and (Joe) F. E. Glassford, Director of WOVSED. Results have been validated by the U. S. Office of Education. Classroom amplification is an exemplary program recommended for nationwide dissemination.

Ocoee Middle School, Florida, Dr. Kate Clark, Principal
"The design of the state demonstration school was based on the latest educational research. The design team chose to put an Audio Enhancement unit in every classroom. Although many features were included in this school, the teachers and students were amazed at the impact this technology had from the very first day of learning. The state school accountability grade for Ocoee Middle School changed from a "C" to an "A" this year. I believe that the use of an Audio Enhancement unit in every classroom helped to provide the opportunity for every child to achieve academically."

"I have received very favorable reports from my principals, teachers, and parents on how audio enhancement helps all students. It moved every child to the "front row" in the classroom to learn and listen better. Yes, I’m sold on Audio Enhancement as an exceptional educational method to help our children excel and succeed."

Dr. Paul McCarty, Public School Principal, Salt Lake City, Utah
"I am convinced of the effectiveness of infrared classroom sound enhancement in improving student achievement and test scores. All children must be able to focus on the spoken word before they can begin to learn. Schools today are now facing new accountability standards. Audio Enhancement is a research proven technology tool that improves classroom instruction that has helped our school meet those new standards. I have researched the major companies and their products. Audio Enhancement has the highest quality and most dependable equipment."

Allen Balczarek, General Obligation Bond Program Manager, Denver Public Schools
"Teachers in classrooms where systems are not available are asking when they will get theirs."

Deer Creek Schools, Wadena County, Minnesota, Jack W. Stouten, Principal
Turning Up the Sound for Better Learning. Teachers in amplified classrooms report that students become more attentive, less distracted, and require fewer repetitions of directions. The survey clearly indicates that all the first grade students benefited from electronic amplification of their teacher’s voices. Asked to rank the most noticeable changes resulting from classroom voice amplification, the first grade teachers at Minnesota’s Wadena and Deer Creek Schools listed the following:

1. Increased attention to oral instruction
2. Greater understanding of oral directions
3. Ability of all students to hear the teacher
4. Less distraction from outside noise
5. Increased student achievement
6. Decreased teacher fatigue

Debbie Hamilton, Reporter for the Orem-Geneva Times of Orem, Utah.
"...this system soon proved noticeably helpful to all children in the classroom situation. If children don’t hear clearly and consistently, their academic potential is compromised."

Putnam County Educational Service Center, Dr. Jan L. Osborn, Superintendent
P. O. Box 190, Ottawa, OH 45875. Invited Article: Sound Field Amplification Re-visited After Ten Years. Teachers supported the use of sound field for such reasons as the teachers felt free to move about the classroom and they did not need to repeat directions or comments as often. Students in sound field amplified classes stated that they did not have to work as hard to hear and that they were not constantly looking around to see the teacher. Administrators reported fewer teacher absences due to voice fatigue and strain.

Uintah Public Schools, Presented at the Utah Elementary School Principals Association Conference, February 1998.
Scores on the Utah State first grade core reading test. Average scores on the reading test before classrooms were amplified: 44-48%. Same teachers, same curriculum, same student population, the average score after 7 months of sound field amplification was 75%. This academic advantage was maintained into their second grade year.

Laurie Allen, Keystone AEA Invited Article:
Promoting the Usefulness of Classroom Amplification Equipment. Adapted from poster session at the 1993 EAA Summer Institute meeting, Logan, Utah. The use of sound field classroom amplification equipment has been found to be an innovative prevention/intervention strategy for students in almost all educational settings. The benefits of amplifying a teacher’s voice so that it is projected clearly throughout the classroom regardless of background noise or student location has been widely recognized. Research has documented that there exists a positive correlation between the use of classroom amplification and improved student academic achievement. (Ray, Sarff & Glassford, 1984: Flexer, 1989)

Helen Zebel, Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency, Makquoeta, Iowa - Martha Tabor, Keystone Area Education Agency, Farley, Iowa
Invited Article: Effects of Sound Field Amplification on Spelling Performance of Elementary School Children. Results indicated a statistically significant difference in spelling scores in each grade level with the amplified sound field condition.

Laurie A. Allen, School Audiologist and Donna M. Patton, School Psychologist
Effects of Sound Field Amplification on Students' On-Task Behavior. It was found that the observed students in the four amplified classrooms showed an average 17% increase in their overall on-task behavior. It was concluded that amplifying the teachers' voices enhanced the students' listening learning environment which resulted in a positive effect on their on-task behavior.

Newsweek Magazine, 08/29/94 Why Johnny and Joanie Can’t Read.
With 20-20 hindsight, the key to unlocking the puzzle of dyslexia was as plain as an exasperated teacher’s order to "sound it out!" But for decades...they haven't looked at how people hear. Now they'll have to, thereby providing a clear and consistent signal to all pupils in the room no matter where they or the teacher are located. Hearing is a first-order event in regular education classrooms. If a child cannot clearly hear spoken instruction, the entire premise of the educational experience is undermined. Due to poor acoustic conditions and a variety of hearing and attending problems, there are millions of children who are being denied an appropriate education due to the lack of acoustic accessibility.

For more information, go to: http://www.audioenhancement.com/ae/SiteDefault.aspx?pgid=53, http://www.audioenhancement.com/ae/SiteDefault.aspx?pgid=44 http://www.audioenhancement.com/ae/SiteDefault.aspx and Proven Results: