Printed Material from the Manufacturer Will Accompany
All Software Applications.
We will sample products from many publishers including; :
PG Music Coda, Music Adaptec, Cakewalk, Symantec,
Emagic, Creative Labs, Pygraphics, Steinberg, eMedia,
Harmonic Vision, Yamaha, Roland-Edirol, Musitek, Digidesign,
Opcode, Musicware/TAP, Reed Kotler Systems, Sibelius Music Alfred,
Maestro Music, MiBAC, Ars Nova, Sonatina Music, MicroSound,
MOTU, Macromedia, CLEARVUE/eav, Baudville,
Rising Sun, Microsoft, Electronic Courseware Systems,
Vision Technology, Virtual Virtuoso, Wildcat Canyon Software,
Sample topics to be considered:
- Integrating sequencing, notation, accompaniment generators and scanning software applications
- Software that will assist the teacher and enable students in fulfilling the music standards.
- Evaluation of music software for individual instructor and classroom needs.
- Basic equipment needed to set up a MIDI lab and Hardware set up in the classroom - What do I need?
- "MP3 and Beyond" for more advanced personal and School web pages.
- Sequencing, notation,music reading and scanning application software for the instructor and the student.
- 1 computer - 65 kids!!!!
- MIDI performance practices.
- Accompaniment generators in the classical, jazz and popular formats.
- Ear training, transcriptions and theory.
- CD-ROM's for use in the performance and general music classroom K-12.
- Internet Resources and basic web development techniques from A-Z
Detailed Innovative School District In-Service
Workshop Curriculum Design -
Syllabus of Hour-by-Hour of Instruction!
- Contact John Kuzmich, Jr. for Private URL!

(left) Dave, John and Our Very First Class! (center and right) Six Months Later: Now With 16 workstations and More Being Added Soon!
In-Service Workshop Endorsements!
Computer Music Technology Workshop Endorsements!
- John and Dave,
"The Computer Music Workshop gave me the courage to prepare, design, and implement software into our music curriculum. Even though our class came from a wide array of experience levels, the instructors did well in meeting our individual needs. Computer music technology is another way of addressing the diverse learning styles and needs of children while teaching the music standards. Children will, indeed, benefit greatly from our experience! Thanks to both of you!"
Vickie L. Green, Music Teacher
Meeker Elementary School
Weld County School District #6
Greeley, Colorado 80634
- Dear Dave and John:
Your class this summer was the best music/computer course I have ever had! It has opened the doors to many possibilities with music education. You and Dave were thorough,
helpful, and gave us each time to work at our individual abilities. It was terrific! I will definitely repeat the class.
Bill Loper
Director of Bands and Choirs
Evergreen High School
Jefferson County School District R-1
Evergreen, Colorado
- Dear John and Dave:
The "K-12 Computer Music Integration" course has been one of the most useful classes that I have taken for years.
Mark Bown
Elementary Instrumental music Teacher
District 11, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Registration for School District In-Service Workshop
Name_____________________________________________________ School/Dept. ____________________________________ Position _____________________________________ Work Phone __________________________________________________
Home Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone _____________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________
To register for this course, complete this form with suggested workshop dates, to:
John Kuzmich
13888 W. 3rd Pl.
Golden, CO 80401
Call/FAX 303-279-1438
or register by email: or
In-Service classes are available to all teachers for Graduate Level Relicensure Credit from:
The Colorado School Of Mines: Teacher Enhancement Program

Regular scheduled classes at our permanent computer music studio will be held on October 6-7, 13-14, 2002
at 560 Santa Fe Drive (60 seconds from I-25 & 6th Ave.), Denver, CO 80204
$70 for 2 Credit Hours - $15 Lab Fee - $150 Tuition - $235 Total
Parking on the premises.
If you need driving instructions and/or a local street map to print out, please go to or contact Dave Mejia by e-mail or 303-573-7485.
Special Supervised Computer Lab Practice Sessions Available for All Workshop Participants by Appointment Seven Days A Week at only $10.00 per hour During and After Completion of Workshop!!
About the Instructors...
- John Kuzmich Jr., a veteran clinician for national, international, regional, state and local workshops and conventions, has been a public school music educator since 1966 and holds a Ph.D. in music education. He is the author of 250+ articles, 3 jazz and 1 internet textbook with Warner Bros. Web design, video conferencing, jazz education and computer music are his latest professional endeavors.
- David M. Mejia, a composer of 2 produced musicals, incidental theatrical music, and a catalog of 100 compositions, was a Jefferson County Music teacher for 17 years, recipient of the Colorado Award for Teaching Excellence, a Channel 4 - Rocky Mountain News A+ teacher, and has been using MIDI and computer assisted instruction in the classroom since the Mac Plus. He is retired and selling antiques.
Applications Will be Accepted on a First-Come Basis.
Please return the registration form to: John Kuzmich
13888 W. 3rd Pl.
Golden, CO 80401
FAX 303-279-1438
or register by email
For more information on workshop handouts and PowerPoint slideshows, see our web page at
or call John Kuzmich at - 303-279-1438, numeric pager - 303-208-6769,
or call David Mejia at 303-573-7485, e-mail -
Special Travel Promotions for Out-Of-State Music Educators & Their Families
While Attending Our Workshops!
- For special travel promotions for out-of-state music educators and their families, please check out for significant discounted airline, train and bus transportation along with motel/hotel, car rental with the following two music educator oriented travel agencies that can save you a lot of money including admissions to professional music concerts, athletic events, museums, amusement parks, skiing and other exciting tourism atrractions here in Colorado while you are attending one of our computer music workshops. In addition, it is recommended that you consult your income-tax consultant about what portions of a trip to Denver might be considered as federal income-tax deductions!
- American Tours and Travels with Director Seminars/Music Educator Workshops!
- American Tours & Travel: Group Travel: with Special Events!
A Special Thank You to Two Co-Sponsors!
- A very special thank you to Flesher-Hinton Music (since 1952) and Rockley Music for (since 1946) loaning MIDI keyboards, MIDI interfaces, MIDI cables and other related equipment for the staging of this workshop. Please patronize these exemplary music education stores here in the Denver-area who provide computer music products and services.
Rockly Music
8555 W. Colfax Ave.
Phone: 303-233-4444
Flesher-Hinton Music
3936 Tennyson
Denver, CO
Phone: 303-433-8891
Flesher-Hinton Music
1878 S. Havana Street
Havana & Jewell
Aurora, CO
Phone: 303-337-2610

Interested in a Fall, 2001 K-12 Web Development
Music Educator Workshop?
Deadline Reminder: Upcoming October 15, 2001
registration deadline for October 27, 28, 2001 "Music Web Development Workshop: Beginning/Intermediate Levels & Beyond - Designed For and By Music Educators" workshop with one graduate credit available from Colorado School of Mines. For more information about this brand-new innovative workshop, please go to:
Interested in Fall, 2001 and Winter, 2002 Semester
Computer Music Educator Workshops?