- Exceptional handout
- Absolutely great and edicated teacher/presenter. Makes others look like babies.
- Great!
- Very good!
- Excellent. You can tell he's a teacher!
- Entertaining and educational, stimulating and ecnouraging.
- This is the best seminar I have ever attended. This man made HTML seem reachable!
- Really learned very quiickly and informative lectures. We always learn by doing. With on the job training, this is
the best way to learn. Thanks.
- Very informative. Great teaching personality, very empowering.
- Very new info, excellent clinic.
College Credit:
If interested, Colorado School Mines can offer one semester graduate credit.
PRICE $40 for 1 Credit Hour - $15 Lab Fee - $110 Tuition - $165 Total
Name_____________________________________________________ School/Dept.
Position _____________________________________ Work Phone
Home Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone _____________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________
To register for this course, complete this form, enclose along with
non-refundable deposit, and send by July 10, 2001 to:
John Kuzmich, Jr.
13888 W. 3rd Place
Golden, CO 80401
Call/FAX 303-279-1438
or register by email:
jkuzmich@jeffco.k12.co.us or dave@oldcuriosityshop.com
Classes are available to all teachers for Graduate Level Relicensure Credit
The Colorado School Of Mines: Teacher Enhancement Program

Classes will be held on July 28-29, 2001, Saturday and Friday and Saturday from 8:30 AM - 5 PM)
at 560 Santa Fe Drive (60 seconds from I-25 & 6th Ave.), Denver,
CO 80204
$40 for 1 Credit Hours - $15 Lab Fee - $110 Tuition - $165 Total
Parking on the premises. If you need driving instructions and/or a local
street map to print out, please go to http://www.mapquest.com/
Special Supervised Computer Lab Practice Sessions Available for All Workshop Participants by Appointment Seven Days
A Week at only $10.00 per hour During and After Completion of Workshop!!
About the Instructors...
John Kuzmich Jr., a veteran clinician for national, international,
regional, state and local workshops and conventions, has been a
public school music educator since 1966 and holds a Ph.D. in music education.
He is the author of 250+ articles, 3 jazz and 1 internet textbook with
Warner Bros. Web design and video conferencing are his latest professional
David M. Mejia, a composer of 2 produced musicals, incidental theatrical
music, and a catalog of 100 compositions, was a Jefferson County Music
teacher for 17 years, recipient of the Colorado Award for Teaching Excellence,
a Channel 4 - Rocky Mountain News A+ teacher, and has been using MIDI and
computer assisted instruction in the classroom since the Mac Plus. He is
retired and selling antiques.
Applications Will be Accepted on a First-Come Basis.
Please return the registration form to:
John Kuzmich
13888 W. 3rd Pl.
Golden, CO 80401
FAX 303-279-1438
or register by email
For more information on workshop handouts and PowerPoint slideshows,
see our web page at
or call John Kuzmich at - 303-279-1438, numeric pager - 303-208-6769,
or call David Mejia at 303-573-7485, e-mail - dave@oldcuriosityshop.com
Special Travel Promotions for Out-Of-State Music Educators & Their Families
While Attending Our Workshops!
- For special travel promotions for out-of-state music educators and their families while attending our workshops,
please check out for significant
discounted airline, train and bus transportation along with motel/hotel, car rental with the following two
music educator oriented travel agencies that can save you a lot of money including admissions to professional music
concerts, athletic events, museums, amusement parks, skiing and other exciting tourism atrractions here in Colorado while
you are attending one of our computer music workshops. In addition, it is recommended that you consult your
income-tax consultant about what portions of a trip to Denver might be considered federal income-tax deductions!
- American Tours and Travels with Director
Seminars/Music Educator Workshops!
- American Tours & Travels: Group Travel: with
Special Events!
Interested in a Fall, K-12 Computer Music Workshop?
Deadline Reminder: Upcoming October 1, 2001 2001 registration deadline for the October 6-7, October 13-14, 2001
"K-12 Computer Music Integration Now" workshop with two graduate credits available from Colorado School of Mines. For more information about this workshop,
please go to:
Interested in Winter, 2001 and Summer, 2001 Semester Computer Music Educator Workshops?