Entry-Level Podcasting Presentation:

by John Kuzmich, Jr. and Wiley Cruse
Clinic Handout: http://www.kuzmich.com/podcasting/Podcasting_short.htm.

Welcoming Podcast: Meet Mr. Cruse and Dr. Data!
February 23, 2009

What is Podcasting?

Podcasting is the latest method of posting audio or video programs over the Internet for listeners can easily access. It is fast, personal, convenient and cool. Podcasting is fast becoming a regular part of contemporary teaching strategies. In this workshop, you will learn the tools of creating a podcast. The process consists of three separate steps:

  1. Digital-Audio Recording,
  2. RSS Feeding
  3. Posting the RSS Feed file to the Internet.

The basics of a podcast is an MP3 file. In order to transform a simple MP3 file into a podcast, you must use an XML text title technology called RSS (Really Simple Syndication). The RSS text file looks to the MP3 file to include information about the date the podcast was recorded, the title of the podcast and the description of the recording. This enables listeners to use various software applications to look for new RSS 2.0 text files and automatically download the newest episode of their favorite podcasts. Freeware software will be featured for various platforms with Audacity, GarageBand, RSS Publisher and others.

Workshop Agenda:

  1. 30 minutes of presentations focusing mainly on digital recording with basic concepts of RSS Feeding. Note: school district will support identified and supported resources for blogging, podcasts and wiki’s available for schools by May 2009.
  2. 30 minutes of hands-on construction with basics of digital recording and RSS Feeding techniques

Demo Podcasts:

  1. www.kuzmich.com/podcasting/Demo.mp3 (straight digital-audio recording)
  2. www.kuzmich.com/podcasting/Demo_Special_Effects.mp3 (same recording with compressor and echo sound effects)
  3. http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/podcasting/pod1.mp3 1st class podcast followed by subsequent podcasts
  4. http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/podcasting/pod2.mp3
  5. http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/podcasting/pod3.mp3
  6. http://www.kuzmich.com/carmody/podcasting/pod4.mp3

Parent Web-Based Newsletters with Podcasting:

  1. http://www.kuzmich.com/parent_newsletters25.html: Podcasting (Click Here, Wait for Download and Listen)
  2. Go to:  http://www.mmresourcecenter.org/rss2.html and become familiar with the article because it contains both editorial insight and products/tutorials and more on the right column.

Step-by-Step Podcasting Tutorials for PC and Mac Applications Used In This Workshop

  1. Podcasting_PC Tutorial.html
  2. Podcasting_Mac_Tutorials

Instruction Materials/Resources

  1. Audacity, a digital-audio recorder, is taught in this clinic primary because it is freeware for both Mac and PC and really that good, especially with its 18 special effects features. To save .WAV files into MP3, you need to also download Lame, a MP3 Encorder, that works seamlessly in Audacity. To download, go to http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=869711. Another choice is GarageBand by Apple that is the ultra intuitive digital-audio sequencing application that comes free with Mac OS 10 and later.
  2. RSS Publisher 1.6 is a simple free RSS Feed software to learn the basics of RSS Feeding.
  3. Podcasting for Music Educators, Part 1 by John Kuzmich, Jr.
  4. Tools to Get You Podcasting, Part 2 by John Kuzmich, Jr.
  5. Audacity Tutorial for Podcasters
  6. How to Download and Install Audacity
  7. Recording A Podcast
  8. Creating a simple voice and music Podcast with Audacity - Audacity ...
  9. Posting Podcasts on PodOmatic: http://www.soundtree.com/sites/default/files/Posting%20Podcasts%20on%20PodOmatic_4.pdf
  10. Ideas for Incorporating Podcasts into your Curriculum at: http://www.kuzmich.com/podcasting/Possible Podcast Chart.pdf
  11. Curriculum Ideas, Success Stories, and Lesson Starters at: http://www.kuzmich.com/podcasting/Lessons from Apple.pdf

Video results for Podcasting Tutorials

Video: This video shows the user how to submit a podcast feed to the iTunes podcast directory. Listen to your favorite podcasts in the ...
www.videojug.com/film/how-to-submit-a-podcast-to-itunes -
Free FTP Applications
FireFTP (this is duel platform)
For Mac, try Fetch at http://fetchsoftworks.com/