
John Kuzmich, Jr., a music and computer technology educator of 40+ years has devoted his life to the teaching of making a difference with music and utilizing technology to benefit.

Retired from full time public school teaching in 2009, John Kuzmich is now available with a flexible schedule for guest presentations and workshops to fit your needs. Available for workshops both in the United States and internationally.


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John Kuzmich, Jr.
13888 W. 3rd Place
Golden, CO 80401

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About John Kuzmich


Here's the first jazz workshop endorsement from Rio de Janeiro for the jazz improvisation workshop I did recently.

  • Dr. John Kuzmich, Jr. presented a wonderful jazz clinic at Centro Musical Antônio Adolfo in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Both students and teachers could experience a two-our class of essential information on jazz improvisation practice. From "listen to jazz masters" to "working with play-a-longs" a lot of subjects were covered. At the end of the clinic Dr. Kuzmich promoted a "guided jam" with all participants. In a blues progression everyone got a chance to improvise using the instructions conducted by Dr. Kuzmich. Through several joyful chorus subjects such as following chord changes, rhythmic motive, stop-time, background riffs and interacting were put in practice in this memorable clinic. Precise information and lots of fun: a killing combination!
    • Here are two endorsements for my TI:ME videoconferencing workshop that I taught to a school district in Texarkana, Arkansas.

      • As District Supervisor, I looked for opportunities for our teachers to study music technology that our district could afford. There is not a location in the state of Arkansas that offers continuing education with national certification and college credit. Dr. Kuzmich's TI:ME instruction through videoconferencing was our answer. Not only did the teachers in our district benefit with continuing education, national certification and college credit, but we were able to invite teachers from other districts in the state to share this opportunity. Thank you Dr. Kuzmich. Nancy Williams District Choral Music Supervisor Texarkana Arkansas School District Texarkana, Arkansas 71854
      • The TI:ME Level 1A video conference held at Arkansas High School in Texarkana, Arkansas was a great opportunity to learn music technology without an outlay for travel. Dr. Kuzmich’s knowledge of the subject is excellent and he had many sources to find answers to any query posed by the students. One aspect of this conference is that Lionel Murray, the developer of the software we were working with, was able to join our class each morning from Sydney, Australia to answer any questions and discussion the reasoning behind the software. The video conference aspect of this workshop gave me a new visualization of the future of conducting workshops. H. Ray Ammons Horatio High School Horatio, Arkansas