Brand new Pentium III Computer Acquisitions!

Dr. Data's 7th grade student 'in action!"


Links to other stories:

Special Computerized Student Awards!
(top of page)

Carmody's "Whiz Chips" ComputerClub! (middle of page)

Computer Games Break-Away! (bottom of page)

Special Computerized Student Awards! (bottom of page)

Donated Computers Welcomed! (top of page)

Korean Penpal Letter! (bottom of page)

Upcoming Web Instruction! (middle of page)

7th Grade Curriculum Summary! (bottom of page)

Brand new Pentium III Computer Acquisitions! (top of page)

Upcoming Web Instruction!

Beginning this semester, Dr. Data is beginning web development instruction with Microsoft's Publisher.  What is neat about this, is that the students will have a great introduction to web  development without having to learning vigors of HTML programming.  Students will learn to incorporate photos, text, audio and v and videos to some rather creative web page designs that are truly multimedia.

7th Grade Curriculum Summary!

  • 3 Weeks of Keyboarding:  touch typing!
  • 4 weeks of word processing
  • 2 weeks of database
  • 1 week of spreadsheets
  • 1 week of Internet search engines
  • 1 week of PowerPoint
  • 1 week of web  development
  • 1 week of drawing and painting
  • 2 weeks of computer game construction

To contact us:

Phone: 303-9820-8931
Fax: 303-982-8931